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Men arrested after accidentally showing police video of cannabis farm instead of Google Translate

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Marijuana: news, laws, advocacy, and discussion • December 14, 2020, 8:42 pm
I currently live in LA (weed is legal in California) and my family lives in Illinois (weed is also legal). Is there a service that can legally deliver cannabis and cannabis products from California…
Marijuana: news, laws, advocacy, and discussion • December 14, 2020, 8:12 pm
I haven’t smoked in about a year. I only smoked it once that year. So I’m pretty much clean. I want to smoke again just for the relaxation and fun of it however I feel like I’m doing something wrong.…
Marijuana: news, laws, advocacy, and discussion • December 14, 2020, 8:10 pm
Anyone here that has tested positive for corona still smoked? I have a vape I want to smoke but not sure if it’s a good idea, wishing I could leave my house and get edibles submitted by …
Marijuana: news, laws, advocacy, and discussion • December 14, 2020, 8:04 pm
submitted by /u/421Store [link] [comments]